Pemberley House Bed and Breakfast
Ausable River Cut Conservation Area - Northville
Bannockburn Conservation Area - Brucefield
Bayfield River Valley Trails - Bayfield
It’s Christmas in Bayfield!
- Sunday, November 19, 2017
- 1:00 PM 3:00 PM
Sawmill Trail, Bayfield
This is your chance to bring your children and grandchildren who will all have an opportunity to learn an appreciation for nature trails, followed by an outdoor craft, which will decorate a live Christmas tree and feed the birds and squirrels at the same time. Fun for the whole family! Please bring some canned food for the Bayfield Food Bank. The trail is 2 km long, difficulty is level 2 although there is one large hill and the hike will take approx. Two hours. Turn east on Old River Road, proceed ½ km and turn right at Sawmill Road; parking available.
LEADERS: Pat Baker 519-565-4015, Dave Gillians 519-565-5884, Jack Pal 519-565-5340
Grand Bend Rotary Nature Trail - Grand Bend
Esli Doge Conservation Area - Forest
Forest Trail System - Forest
Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area - Clinton
Joany's Woods Trail - Sylvan
Lambton County Heritage Forest - Port Franks
L-Lake Management Area - Port Franks
Morrison Dam, McNaughteon park and South Huron Trail - Exeter
Pinery Provincial Park - Grand Bend
Rock Glen Conservation Area - Arkona
Fossil hunt, home to Lambton County's only waterfall!